FMN Session

When:  Aug 20, 2022 from 09:00 AM to 01:00 PM (PT)
What Makes Convertible Bonds Popular?
Field of Study: Accounting
Convertible bonds are always a discussion item as companies are often concerned with proper
classification. FASB simplified issuer’s accounting for convertible instruments and contracts on an entity’s own equity with issuance of ASU 2020-06, in an effort to reduce unnecessary complexity currently in U.S GAAP. Josh Schaeffer, director at Equity Methods, discusses the sexy side of debt and why convertible bonds are gaining more and more popularity, especially in times of financial crisis.

SEEing Through a Holistic Lens
Field of Study: Management Services
Recently, there have been a number of developments that have continued the trend to greater
reporting on sustainability. This has resulted in sustainability becoming more and more important
to accountants both in public practice and in corporations. Manjula Lee, founder and CEO of World Wide Generation, discusses the importance of having trusted data, and how to look at your company's sustainability efforts through a SEE (Social, Economic and Environmental) lens.

Critical Audit Matters: Implementation and Implications
Field of Study: Auditing
The PCAOB and the Center for Audit Quality recently released reports on the implementation of
Critical Audit Matters (CAMs) reporting. Dan Goelzer, one of the founding members of the
PCAOB, provides an update on the findings in those reports and their implications for accountants and auditors. He also reviews the three principal causes of fraud as outlined in a report published by the Anti-Fraud Collaboration group.

Ethics & Social Responsibility
Field of Study: Behavioral Ethics
Potter Stewart, U.S. Supreme Court Justice, once said, “Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do.” But is it really the question of “What is the right thing to do?” or it is deeper than that, as in “How do we get the right thing done?” Steven Mintz, professor emeritus, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, gives us his views on ethics and social responsibility and if the ethical decision-making models used to teach ethics to accounting students really work.


Delta Hotel
2151 Laurelwood Road
Santa Clara, CA 95054

Pricing Information

Registration Price
All Registrants $35.00


Nicole Sheets